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Business Network Portal

A Business Community Portal to facilitate the expansion and growth of African businesses outside their national borders:
Current Stage: Coding and development

One of the areas in need of development in Africa is that of the exposure of African businesses to opportunities and development.   Many businesses in Africa are limited partly because of a limited market.  These businesses are constrained by state borders, a very poor distribution system and inter-state regulations.  Many businesses do not have access to a market outside their country and have little or no international connections.

In an effort to address this need that has been identified through our surveys, Develop Africa, Inc. is in the process of developing a business portal that will facilitate information sharing, networking and business development.  This website will be dedicated to the promotion of one of Develop Africa's core goals -  Entrepreneurship and Investment.  This aspect will help to develop Africa by promoting business growth and income generation for local economies. 

In the developed world, there is a big push towards outsourcing and the manufacturing / purchasing of goods from Asia, South America etc.  Africa offers tremendous potential in this regard as a market that has not fully been tapped. 

The concept is to develop a community business portal / database providing a hub or meeting point for investors, entrepreneurs and business owners.  A forum will provide a venue for the discussion of business issues such as tariffs, trade and best practices etc.



The business network portal will serve the following purposes:

1.  Enable African businesses to expand their market outside their local countries.

2.  African businesses will be able to connect with other businesses in other African countries or other countries world-wide.

3.  Business in the developed world will be able to research and find African businesses / partners.

3.  Business will be able to network and share ideas with other businesses.

Should you be interested in working with us on this project, please contact us.

Also if you would like us to be included / inform you / email you when the site is ready, please contact us


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